

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Bill Mitchell — Debunking myths

This is an important post by Bill Mitchell on epistemology and method as it relates to the economics profession, myth-making, propaganda, ideology, etc., based on The Debunking Handbook, written by a physicist and psychologist.

Read it at Bill Mitchell — billy blog
Debunking myths
by Bill Mitchell


  1. Tom -- This is a really good essay. It explains quite clearly some of the obstacles that MMT proponents run into in getting people to understand. All kinds of psychological and cultural issues make it difficult for people to give up the myths that inform their worldview. The MMT community needs to pay attention to what Bill (and the book he referenced) is talking about here in order to increase the effectiveness of the efforts to educate the populace. He seems personally committed to improving his effectiveness. We would all do well to keep this stuff in mind when trying to educate others.

  2. From Paul to Timothy as far as dispensing truth:

    "Stand by it, opportunely, inopportunely, expose, rebuke, entreat, with all patience and teaching." 2 Tim 4:2

    1. Expose
    2. Rebuke
    3. Entreat

    I dont think that if you try to skip 1 and 2 and go directly to 3 you will be successful.

