

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Tom Engelhardt — "The United States of Fear"

About the Program
Tom Engelhardt, creator and editor of, argues that the U.S. government successfully used the threat of terrorism to scare the public into supporting increased spending on war, the military, and homeland security, leading the country down the same path the Soviet Union took just prior to its collapse.  During this event, Mr. Engelhardt is in conversation with journalist and author Jeremy Scahill.  Hosted by New York University. 
About the Author     
Tom Engelhardt, senior editor at Pantheon from 1976 to 1990, is currently a consulting editor at Metropolitan Books and a fellow at the Nation Institute. His books include "The End of Victory Culture: Cold War America and the Disillusioning of a Generation" and "Mission Unaccomplished: Tomdispatch Interviews with American Iconoclasts and Dissenters." Over the years, Mr. Engelhardt has edited such authors as John Dower ("Embracing Defeat"), Art Spiegelman ("Maus"), Eduardo Galeano ("Upside Down World"), Ariel Dorfman ("The Empire's Old Clothes"), Robert Jay Lifton ("Superpower Syndrome"), Adam Hochschild ("King Leopold's Ghost"), Susan Faludi ("Stiffed"), Mike Davis ("Ecology of Fear"), Chalmers Johnson ("The Sorrows of Empire"), Studs Terkel ("Will the Circle Be Unbroken?"), and Jonathan Schell ("The Unconquerable World").

Watch it at
"The United States of Fear" (1 hr 40 min)
Tom Engelhardt

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