An economics, investment, trading and policy blog with a focus on Modern Monetary Theory (MMT). We seek the truth, avoid the mainstream and are virulently anti-neoliberalism.
Nice man, but he will put you to sleep. Way too many parenthetical comments, way too many ums, no sense of rhythm, in short soporific. But yes, if you can manage to focus for the time, the content is good. Better writer than speaker, IMO.
Good stuff.
ReplyDeleteGreat videos. And now I am going to start internet stalking Scott Fullwiler and Steve Keen.
ReplyDeleteBecause I am so over Bill Mitchell and Heteconomist and all their shenanigans. And perfect grammar. Did they really think they'd get away with it?
Nice man, but he will put you to sleep. Way too many parenthetical comments, way too many ums, no sense of rhythm, in short soporific. But yes, if you can manage to focus for the time, the content is good. Better writer than speaker, IMO.