

Monday, July 30, 2012

"Socialized medicine" most cost-effective: Study

NHS among developed world's most efficient health systems, says study. Report in the Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine finds health service second only to Ireland for cost-effectiveness....

Among the 17 countries considered, the United States healthcare system was among the least efficient and effective.... 
Looking at elderly patients, the difference was even more stark with the best performers – Ireland, the UK and New Zealand – having health systems that were three times more effective and efficient than the worst – Switzerland, Portugal and the US....Read it at The Guardian (UK)
Pritchard points out that even Adam Smith, the Scottish economist and father of market-based ideology, thought the state was "probably better" at health and education. 
NHS among developed world's most efficient health systems, says study
Randeep Ramesh
(h/t Michael Moore via Twitter)


  1. Obligatory reminder that even Hayek spent a chapter in The Road to Serfdom arguing in favor of social insurance programs.

  2. Yeah, and his car had an "I HEART NHS" bumper sticker on the bumper.
