

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

"The consumption-led economy is the only way out"

Ya think? Doesn't that mean that the goal is to have EVERYONE employed, working at providing either goods or services that their their compatriots want & need?

That's what happens among all the cells in an organism, e.g. a human, or even a tree. Isn't that what should occur for all the humans in an efficiently organized nation?

To do that, we need to work together, openly, and constantly innovate. Especially, we need innovation in our methods for working together, openly. Total coordination = optimally distributed decision-making.

Gathering Storm: China's Epic Hard Landing
Author: Dee Woo

ps: is he related to Doo Wop? :)


  1. Consumption led economy is the only way out? Consumption – i.e. providing the consumer / citizen with what the latter wants IS THE BASIC PURPOSE OF ECONOMIC ACTIVITY!!!!

    Of course it’s the best way out. But try telling that to the economically illiterate elites in the world’s capital cities. They’d rather channel stimulus money into the pockets of their bankster friends or towards pork projects.

  2. 2000 years ago Socrates said that "The unexamined life is not worth living."

    Today, we're back to demonstrating that the discussions not happening are not worth neglecting.

    We refuse to think, ergo many of us will soon not exist.

  3. We can't have a consumption directed economy as long as the state continues to use force to monopolize the monetary order, and prints and spends any quantity of money it wants, which always OVERRULES the consumers.

    Just picture consumers trying to bankrupt a bad bank, and capable of doing so in a free market, but then the state swoops in and prints money for the bad bank to prevent their bankruptcy, on the basis that it is "too big to fail."

    Politicians tend to choose maintaining their own control over others and retaining voter support, than letting banks fail and allowing a recession to occur, which is politically unpopular and risks their political careers.

    Banks are pseudo-government agencies at this point, if they ever were anything else that is.

  4. As Aristotle said, democracy is the best of the worst.

    You have a better solution for the US than representative democracy, which I agree is not working so well at the moment. But looking around the world, I don't see a better model that would also be acceptable to you.

  5. As Aristotle said, democracy is the best of the worst.

    As I once said: We can do better.

    You have a better solution for the US than representative democracy, which I agree is not working so well at the moment. But looking around the world, I don't see a better model that would also be acceptable to you.

    Who says we have to wait for someone else to try something, before we try it? What if everyone in the world thought like you did? "Nobody else is doing anything better, so we'll wait, and wait, and wait..."?

    People would never innovate if we adopted that principle of wait for others first.

    I say just let individuals OPT OUT of the statist system. Let them no longer pay taxes and no longer receive any government services. Those in the state will of course be justified in using force if these opt outers initiate force, but for those that remain peaceful, they wouldn't be justified.

    Why not that? Why not let individuals decide for themselves, and for the remaining population, who don't want to leave mommy and daddy, they can continue paying taxes and doing whatever it is the state does for them?

    This isn't an aggressive action, it is a peaceful opting out.

  6. "I say just let individuals OPT OUT of the statist system."

    It would be nice but it is not going to happen anytime soon. There used to be the frontier but that is about over except for some outlaw areas, where it's a bit rough.

    Simpler and more direct to form networks and stay out of sight of the crazies as much as possible. Not paying taxes is taking a big chance. The basic rule is "Don't f*ck with the eagle."
