

Thursday, August 23, 2012

He's baaaack. Karl Rove, that is.

Karl Rove is no longer merely Bush’s Brain; he’s the man who swallowed the Republican Party. 
Our guest for the hour is Craig Unger, who has written Boss Rove: Inside Karl Rove’s Secret Kingdom of Power. In it, he writes, "Undeniably, he’s back," talking about Karl Rove. "He has re-invented himself. He is not merely Bush’s Brain; he’s the man who swallowed the Republican Party. As the maestro orchestrating the various super-pacs, he has inspired the wealthiest people on the right to pony up what could amount to $1 billion and has created an unelected position for himself of real enduring power with no term limits. Karl Rove has become the ultimate party boss."
Who's Covertly Controlling the GOP: Karl Rove, Scheming Election Theft and Raising a Fortune for Vicious Attack Ads
Amy Goodman
Originally at Democracy Now

The title, "Who's Covertly Controlling the GOP: Karl Rove, Scheming Election Theft and Raising a Fortune for Vicious Attack Ads," and Amy Goodman being a well-known radical progressive, one might conclude that this is partisan bias. But an examination of Karl Rove biography reveals that this is his modus operandi. Rove has taken Lee Atwater another step, or perhaps, a giant leap. A billion dollars is a lot of money, and the notion that there is no quid pro quo is myopic.

Of course, that billion dollars will be matched by the Democrats, but that is no excuse of a return to party bosses and "to the victor belong the spoils," reminiscent of Boss Tweed. Whoever wins, there will be payback with kind of money on the table.


  1. The farce can have a strong effect on a weak-minded electorate.

    According to Boss Flim-Flam, you can't bamboozle an informed, intelligent electorate.

  2. The farce can have a strong effect on a weak-minded electorate.

    It's a study in how a plutocratic oligarchy can maintain and extend political power in a democracy in spite of economic and social repression. It's also a study in the skillful use of cognitive-affective bias and political leverage.

  3. Yes Rove been over here in Europe to teached conservatives in Germany, East-Europe, Scandinavia,and have gived advise.Well look at results over here.Austerity programs and Riots!
