

Monday, August 20, 2012

Joshua Holland — The Conservative Psyche: How Ordinary People Come to Embrace Paul Ryan's Cruelty Scientific research into the way we think explains the reasons decent people wind up supporting horrific policie

Scientific research into the way we think explains the reasons decent people wind up supporting horrific policies....
We begin evaluating policies emotionally, according to a deeply ingrained moral framework, and then our brains often work backward, filling in – or inventing -- “facts” that conform to that framework.

The Conservative Psyche: How Ordinary People Come to Embrace Paul Ryan's Cruelty

Joshua Holland

Fits right in with legalized torture and the rest of the fascistic "innovations" like indefinite detention that are being accepted as the new conventionality. While the extreme on the left is totalitarian communism, the extreme on the right is totalitarian fascism. There are two roads to serfdom, that is, loss of freedom, and the right is only able to the one on the left and confuses social democracy with socialism. But what makes this fascism rather than "just" cruelty is that racism underlies.

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