

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Kelly Evans — Why the State of the US Economy Defies Description

Certain events would put me into a position in which I could not go on with the old language games any further. In which I was torn away from the sureness of the game.
—Wittgenstein, “On Certainty”
Why the State of the US Economy Defies Description
Kelly Evans | CNBC Reporter

This is should generate some interesting comments.

Incidentally, I wrote my PhD dissertation on Wittgenstein's On Certainty.


  1. This is should generate some interesting comments.

    Motivated by your faith in people, I read the first page of comments. I saw a lot of ranting about obama and socialism, a few of Bob's stray cousins lamenting "funny money" and one really helpful comment trying to stimulate the economy by telling people how they can earn money working from home. The internet is still terrible.

  2. Well, Mr. Kelly is certainly confused, and his little article will be a helpful contribution towards furthering the confusion. I fail to see the interest of this article.
