

Sunday, November 25, 2012

David Edwards — Fiorina: ‘It is not fair’ that public workers are ‘so rich’

Fiorina: ‘It is not fair’ that public workers are ‘so rich’ (via Raw Story )
Carly Fiorina, who reportedly stood to receive more than $42 million after being ousted at HP in 2005, says that public workers should receive less benefits because “it is not fair” that unions are “so rich.” During a Sunday panel segment on NBC, MSNBC host Al Sharpton asserted that Congress…


  1. Whether part of the public or private sector, what really perturbs and confounds corporate elitists such as Fiorina is that unionized workers cannot be manipulated and screwed over as easily as non-union employees.

  2. Right, they think of labor as a commodity and workers as just another input to be controlled. Fact is that it is bad management on top of being just bad.
