

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Cat Johnson — The Rise of the Sharing Communities

“To me, the question is not so much about whether access is better than ownership,” says Ouishare co-founder Antonon Leonard. “It's about people. It's a change in culture. People have just started to realize that they have amazing opportunities to express themselves, be their own bosses, and start a new life.”
Leonard stresses that community “is everything” and that Ouishare is built around people who do things, not those who say they will do things.
“We need complex solutions to solve complex world issues,” he says. “We bet that it's only by connecting people with different perspectives that we'll be able to bring sustainable change. Sharing is an amazing opportunity to build a community and you need to build a community in order to make sharing work.”
The Rise of the Sharing Communities
Cat Johnson

Creativity is enhanced by creating information, emotion, and tool-rich  communities and environments.


  1. If common stock was widely used as a private money form then the general population would automatically "share" in the wealth and power of corporations. But why should corporations share wealth and power with the population when they can easily borrow the population's stolen purchasing power via loans from the banking cartel?

  2. f,

    I dont get your comment, who is doing the stealing in your view?

    The banks or the corporations?

    How is the population's 'purchasing power' stolen?


  3. With banks, "loans create deposits" but the purchasing power for those new deposits comes via dilution from all other deposits in the same currency and from the currency itself. Yes, some will say the loss of purchasing power is only temporary since "loan repayment destroys deposits" but how temporary is a 30 year mortgage? Also, deflation is worse than inflation so a person's restoration of purchasing power might easily be combined with the loss of his job.

    With common stock as private money, new issuance would also dilute (hopefully, only temporarily) the value of the stock but: 1) The existing stock holders could vote whether to issue new stock or not. 2) Since the stock would be spent, not lent, into existence then it need not be withdrawn from circulation causing price deflation.
