

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Glenn Greenwald — Obama's Failure to Punish Banks Should Be Causing Serious Social Unrest

A new PBS Frontline report examines outrageous steps Obama's administration took to protect Wall St. Wall Street from prosecutions.
Obama's Failure to Punish Banks Should Be Causing Serious Social Unrest
Glenn Greenwald | The Guardian

Someone remind Glenn Greenwald that there already was an uprising across America called Occupy, and it was put down in many places by riot police wielding clubs and poison gas, coordinated by the Department of Homeland Security, pretty much like happens other fascist states.


  1. Notice also that, as good as the Frontline documentary is, PBS chose to run it after the election.

  2. Referencing Rodger Mitchell, it's about the soccer moms. Occupy needs to morph into a Tea Party hybrid and we might just get some populist reaction to the Frontline program.

  3. Obama tried to cut this argument off at the pass in his first month, back in 2008. "Much of the [bank fraud], unfortunately, simply wasn't illegal." [paraphrased]
    [At least not since Reagan-Clinton-Bush just got done gutting securities laws & enforcement.]

    Let's see.

    Independence was illegal until the 1776 Revolution made it legal.

    Private currency supply manipulation wasn't illegal until Andrew Jackson made it illegal.

    Slavery wasn't illegal before the Civil War made it illegal.

    Trusts weren't illegal before Teddy Roosevelt's Trust Busting made it illegal.

    Denying women voting rights wasn't illegal until the Nineteenth Amendment in 1920 made it illegal.

    Repeat of nearly all the above forms of financial fraud wasn't illegal until FDR & the Pecora Commission made them illegal - again!

    Racism wasn't illegal before Civil Rights legislation outlawed it yet again.

    Repeat of nearly all the above forms of financial fraud won't again be illegal until ... ?

  4. Framing has replaced logic in governance.
