

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Kyle Bass, Jim Rogers...wrong again!! But what else is new?

Looks like these guys--Jim Rogers, Kyle Bass--are wrong again. Their calls for shorting Treasuries and Japanese Gov't bonds (and the yen) are falling apart. Bonds are rallying once again on the prospect of sequester, which is about to hit the economy hard and push the unemployment rate above 8-percent, perhaps well above that level. And the whole Japan "stimulus" thing is falling apart because there never was one in the first place, just like I said. The entire yen move down, driven by levels of speculative selling not seen in years (people like Kyle Bass) is in the process of reversing.

If it's not clear by now that these people are fools, idiots, than I don't know how else to bring that to your attention. When you don't understand the most basic concepts of money and the monetary system, then how can you go out there and call yourself an expert? Furthermore, shame on the clueless media outlets like CNBC, Fox, Yahoo!Finance and the others who constantly put these idiots on the air.


  1. I had some hopes for Yahoo!Finance but they are just going down the tubes lately and it seems to be accelerating... huge amounts of garbage being spewed over there lately...


  2. Mike,

    You're just going to have to take all their money off them then.

    At which point the airwaves will have a different piper and therefore dance to a different tune.

  3. Yahoo!Finance has been really bad the last few years. their headlines are transparent push polls.

    this week Lauren Lyster had some yahoo on discussing how the fed is going to unwind it's balance sheet and the disaster it will become. I'm not sure why the FED has to unwind as they claim. I guess they think the fed is a hedge fund.

  4. Miller I had some hopes for Blodgett over there and Task seems genuinely skeptical, but it has fizzled out...

    For instance Henry had Bill Black on the other day and it went well but then next day had the Pres of the Ayn Rand Lovers Society on like it was no big deal....

    Seems like they have Schiff on like once a week...

    Going NOWHERE.... All BS now at Yahoo!


  5. ya , every week there seems to be an interview or article with or that mentions him.Never once did they post his results. the best they do is " his investment strategy is under water right now, but blah blah blah dollar collapse imminent, then it will turn around.

    still don't know why i still browse it everyday.
