

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Michael McAuliff and Sabrina Siddiqui — John Boehner Compares Tax Proposals Of White House To Stealing

House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) declared Thursday that seeking more revenue in order to reduce the federal deficit or to replace sequestration's pending budget cuts is tantamount to stealing from Americans.
The Huffington Post
John Boehner Compares Tax Proposals Of White House To Stealing
Michael McAuliff and Sabrina Siddiqui

The Speaker losing it, or just pumping the base?


  1. No, Bohner isn't losing it. Calling taxation "theft" is a logical conclusion when one is brain-washed with neo-liberal propaganda.

    The idea that government takes one person's money to give to someone else is the greatest weapon in the conservative arsenal, also their greatest weakness; break that linkage in a person's mind and they become much more open to the possibilities of what a society can accomplish.

  2. Reducing funding to preschool kids and standing pat on taxes on millionaires = prudence.

    Standing pat on funding to preschool kids and increasing taxes on millionaires = stealing.
