

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Randy Wray — Krugman is Right about Simpson-Bowles: The Buzzards Circle the Fiscal Cliff

Randy on another tear. Bravo.

Make no mistake. The President as well as both houses of Congress are solidly aligned to gut these programs. That is what the Rube Goldberg machinery is all about.
It is time to get out the pitchforks to destroy the doomsday machine Washington is creating for us.

Economonitor — Great Leap Forward
Krugman is Right about Simpson-Bowles: The Buzzards Circle the Fiscal Cliff
L. Randall Wray | Professor of Economics, UMKC

(I suppose this is what Ted Cruz means by "communism.")


  1. "He rightly wonders why anyone takes this nutter seriously"

    Yes, agree Simpson is a moron..

    "I am only disappointed that Krugman did not include Simpson’s Siamese twin, Erskine Bowles. After all, the dumb and dumber National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform created by President Obama was headed by these two (presumably hand-picked by Pete Peterson)."

    Yes, agree they are BOTH morons.

    Krugman will not include the moron Bowles because Bowles is a DEMOCRAT brand of moron ....

    This is where partisanship leads you; a deficient and WEAK argument...

    "From the point of view of Bowles-Simpson, the more chaos, the better..."

    Yes. This is what MORONS do, ie foment chaos.

    "They must have been bought off, too..."

    Now wait, are they morons or corrupt???? Now I'm confused...

    What theory are we proposing, morons or corrupt?

    Can it be both? I dont think so...


  2. Can it be both? I dont think so...

    I don't see any contradiction there. While I think that some are just morons, some know better and are corrupt,I suspect that many are both ignorant and complicit.
