

Friday, May 24, 2013

Kishore Mahbubani — America’s Blinders

Americans need to be told a simple, mathematical truth. With 3% of the world’s population, the US can no longer dominate the rest of the world, because Asians, with 60% of the world’s population, are no longer underperforming....
This deep social and intellectual transformation underway in Asia promises to catapult it from economic power to global leadership. China, which remains a closed society in many ways, has an open mind, whereas the US is an open society with a closed mind.
Project Syndicate
America’s Blinders
Kishore Mahbubani | Dean of the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy at the National University of Singapore


  1. That's right…we can't afford to buy $0.5T of their stuff every year…they can sell it to someone else.

  2. Singapore was a colony in the former British Empire...

    If they want to impress me, lets see them do their own thing now instead of being terminal "western wannabes"...

  3. Here, they are currently 14th in the ZombieBowl®, right behind Ireland:

  4. Isn't the premise a little racist? 3% of American's vs 60% Asians? It's not an apples to apples comparison. It should be US population vs the population of China or Caucasian vs Asia. The way it's worded is such that all asians have the same goals and ethics regardless of nation... China, S/N Korea, Japan... while the populations of the US, England, Germany, France, etc (all "western", and predominantly non-asian populations) are incompatible with each other.

  5. Asia is using our discredited money system which is based on usury for stolen purchasing power so they'll have problems too, maybe serious ones.

    If the West is wise it will move on to ethical money creation and serve as an example of good, instead of evil.
