

Monday, June 17, 2013

Corey Robin — Rights of Labor v. Tyranny of Capital

There you have it. The government requiring an employer to hang a poster informing workers of their rights is a violation of the employer’s liberty.
Employers requiring employees to attend a rally in support of Mitt Romney—or otherwise instructing employees how to vote in an election—is an exercise of the employer’s liberty.
Rights of Labor v. Tyranny of Capital
Corey Robin

Prelude to life in a Libertarian paradise, where ownership rights trump human rights and civil rights in world where those who own more are better than others owing to meritocracy.


  1. The irony of one political organization (chamber of commerce) trying to limit the rights of others to organize themselves politically seems to pass most libertarians by.

    The upper crust knows how powerful political organization is. No surprise that libertarianism, Randism, teapartyism, have been funded by them.

    Chamber of commerce supported fascism in the 20's and 30's and they never stopped from the looks of it

  2. Without the government-backed counterfeiting cartel, the banks, it is likely that:

    1) The labor market would be far tighter since the family farm would still exist and many family businesses too.

    2) Business would have found it expedient to pay workers with their own common stock thus greatly reduce the distinction between capital and labor.

  3. Oh, last but not least:

    3) Two incomes would not be needed to support a family.
