

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Al Jazeera — Morales urges European countries to "free themselves from the US empire"

Morales’s plane not allowed to country because of 'conflicting information' about passengers, says French President...
Morales urged European countries to "free themselves from the US empire" as he arrived home late on Wednesday .
"They are not going to frighten us, because we are a people with dignity and sovereignty," he said.
Al Jazeera
France apologises to Bolivia over jet row

The North-South conflict is on. This may turn out to be a defining moment in its progression. Even if nothing else comes out of this, Snowden will have won and secure a place in history on the side of Cato the Younger, regardless of what eventually happens to him.

Morales should never have permitted a search of his aircraft but required them to forcefully do it if they dared to create are really blatant international incident as minions of the American Empire. But it's already clear from the incident that the European "allies" of the US are in fact imperial minions rather than sovereign nations and the laughing stock of the world. How low they have sunk.

1 comment:

  1. According to NSA video conference intercepts, the prime ministers of Italy, France, Portugal and Spain and the Austrian chancellor talked about whether to admit Evo Morales' plane and what to do when the it landed.

    The transcript reads they all singing: "I feel like a chicken tonight, like a chicken tonight"... :-)
