

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Al Jazeera — Outrage over Morales' plane diversion

Latin American leaders express outrage after plane carrying Bolivian president forced to land by European countries.
Al Jazeera
Outrage over Morales' plane diversion

Edward Snowden is bringing US soft power to an inglorious end. The veil is lifted and the emperor not only is without clothes but also has feet of clay.


  1. The administration obsession with secrets and Snowden is only serving to humiliate Americans and the US government.

  2. The most powerful among the European "leaders" is François Hollande.

    His full name is François Gérard Georges Nicolas Hollande... such a big name... such little balls...

  3. @ Dan,

    Right. The more the US administration trashes about wildly in the effort to exact revenge on a hero that exposed more rot at the core, the more the US appears as a paper tiger.

  4. The aura of justice and veil of a well designed system has been pulled back to expose what is really there. It is perfect really, it shows how selectively laws get applied, ignored and enforced. We all experience this sort of thing every day, it resonates, as this is SOP for democracy: the ultimate imperfect human system. It should embolden people to disobey, to encourage protest and hopefully to demand laws are changed when they aren't any longer convenient.

  5. apparently, you need a 29 yr old plane to evade the CIA

    he'll have to fly out via Aeroflot?

  6. No problem! We'll just divert Al Jazeera too.

    If you want the world run right, you have to Centrally Plan and micromanage it yourself? Sheesh!

  7. I would not put it past Putin to put Snowden on a Russian military aircraft with escort to fly Snowden to a country that is willing to give him asylum. Would Obama be dumb enough to start WWIII?

  8. Syria & Snowden negotiations are likely overlapping

  9. Well placed sources tell me that the Morales plane diversion was just a decoy which allowed Snowden to quietly slip out of Russia. Reports now indicate that Edward (Man Without A Country) Snowden arrived in Casablanca and wandered into Ricks Cafe seeking Letters of Transit to some unknown country willing to grant him asylum.

    All seriousness aside though, I really don't understand why all this NSA spying has become such a big deal. After all, don't we want to have a government that listens to us?

  10. I nominate Rombach as today's top comedian. 'Agov't that listens.' Hysterical
