

Friday, July 5, 2013

Fraser Nelson — It is capitalism, not democracy, that the Arab world needs most

Neoliberal news.
Property rights for aid: this could be the most effective anti-poverty strategy in history
The Telegraph (UK)
It is capitalism, not democracy, that the Arab world needs most
Fraser Nelson
(h/t Naked Capitalism)

The title of the post, "It is capitalism, not democracy, that the Arab world needs most," says it all. Capitalism and democracy are antithetical, and in a neoliberal world, the market state trumps the democratic state. "Tyranny of the majority," you know. Workers being in the majority might realize it and vote themselves a fair deal. According to neoliberalism that's "socialism," Marxism," and "communism," which needs to be extirpated at the expense of democracy if democracy cannot be corrupted, as in many US supported coups such as Pinochet's Chile.
All this has been established by Hernando de Soto, a Peruvian economist.
DeSoto is the new Hayek.


  1. Capitalism does not require a government-backed credit cartel, now does it?

  2. y: I blamed "progressives" for the intellectual war on the concept of property which is what could stand between powerless people and the Klepto-murder state. For decades, "progressives" made Stalin and the Soviet genocide state the shining city on the hill.

  3. Everything inside your brain is just randomly mixed up and confused, isn't it?

  4. As I have known since 1973, Rabushka and Shepsle demonstrated that multi-ethnic social democracies will almost invariably descend into ethnic strife and slaughter. You wouldn't read such a book because it conflicts with your imagination.

  5. Bob, you might like to read Noam Chomsky on borders and walls. Do a search. He has several piece on this. See also Bucky Fuller on borders as imaginary lines drawn by the great pirates.

    Much of the ethnic strife of recent centuries resulted from imposition of borders by the great powers as part of the great game, and these borders divided tradition peoples and created winners and losers. Naturally, conflict was the result.

  6. Mr. Hickey:

    The artificial chopping up of land by the imperialist Europeans inherently harmed and interfered with the voluntary relationships of indigenous ethnic and other groups and individuals.

  7. What they really mean is to keep pursuing the previous pro-imperialistic policies, which favour western interests AND a national oligarchy.

    The status quo ... must ... continue.
