

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Martin Pengelly — Wall Street Journal says Egypt needs a Pinochet

On Friday, the Wall Street Journal published an editorial entitled “After the Coup in Cairo”. Its final paragraph contained these words
Egyptians would be lucky if their new ruling generals turn out to be in the mold of Chile’s Augusto Pinochet, who took over power amid chaos but hired free-market reformers and midwifed a transition to democracy.
Presumably, this means that those who speak for the Wall Street Journal – the editorial was unsigned – think Egypt should think itself lucky if its ruling generals now preside over a 17-year reign of terror. I also take it the WSJ means us to associate two governments removed by generals – the one led by Salvador Allende in Chile and the one led by Mohamed Morsi in Egypt.
Islamist, socialist … elected, legitimate … who cares?
Presumably, the WSJ thinks the Egyptians now have 17 years in which to think themselves lucky when any who dissent are tortured with electricity, raped, thrown from planes or – if they’re really lucky – just shot. That’s what happened in Chile after 1973, causing the deaths of between 1,000 and 3,000 people. Around 30,000 were tortured.

The Raw Story
Martin Pengelly, The Guardian

The editorial is unsigned, but it's no secret where Rupert Murdoch stands concerning neoliberalism and democracy. Anyone with half a brain knows that they are antithetical.


  1. The sadest thing about the present critical thinking group left in America, if there are any is that they see a Rubert Murdoch willing to print absolute trash and shock and awe so people will just buy the newspaper, he has no morales, and money is his god, from his standpoint , the consequences and damage done to the people matter not. Mudoch, Milton Friedman (AKA Adolf Hilter) are of the same mold. Kill thousands because when you are far away from the shootings and torture you don't experience the pain. What a sad state of affairs this rag newspaper has sold out. I don't read this trash, and I don't watch the trash Fox News, or CNN, but cull the internet to find some grains of truth, this website is one of them.

  2. Looks like warriors vs acquirers (Muslim brotherhood ) .... Warriors always win that one... rsp

  3. To take away the right to vote, that's the WSJ's strategy:

    "PS: By the way, Flannery and Marcus say that: 'the worst inequality results not from the granting of new privileges to the people on top but from the removal of existing privileges from the people on the bottom.' And this is based on historical and archeological records, not the current right-wing strategy of eliminating the protections of the Welfare State."

    From Vernengo's Debt and the deep sources of inequality

    And that's not limited to Egypt, either...

  4. Pinochet was put into power with the help of Kissinger

    I am surprised that Charlie Rose and Thomas Friedman didn't write this.
