

Friday, July 26, 2013

Max Blumenthal — Shocking 'Extermination' Fantasies By the People Running America's Empire on Full Display at Aspen Summit

A close up look at the scary people in charge. Well-intentioned but severely misguided about civil rights, human rights, the US Constitution and Bill of Rights, law, and democracy.

The military mind at work in the context of empire — the end justifies all means regardless of unintended and unforeseen consequences that the CIA calls "blowback." Frighteningly short-sighted and crass.

This is a big reason that there is civilian control of the military and separation of military and domestic security forces. The lines are now extremely blurred, and the wall of secrecy is so thick that it is difficult for the public to know what is going on or what their fate is.

Shocking 'Extermination' Fantasies By the People Running America's Empire on Full Display at Aspen Summit

Max Blumenthal


  1. Tom its quickly getting to the point where we can "push a button and kill someone" who we look at as an enemy, with minimum collateral damage...

    This technology is only going to get more accurate over time... warfare is changing...

    and I would point out that we would not be in these conditions if we were not attacked by these theocratic psychos on Sept 11...


  2. I would point out that we would not be in these conditions if we were not attacked by these theocratic psychos on Sept 11...

    Matt, the record shows that the was in the works long before 9/11. Goes back at least to the FBI under J. Edgar Hoover.

    See also John Poindexter

    These things don't just appear out of nowhere.

  3. With these Aspen types we have the very definition of epistemic closure. I have no doubt they do not hear how creepy and out of touch they sound, so busy are they high-fiving each other and delivering short hagiographies of their comrades.

    I've long since come to the conclusion our "best and brightest" just aren't very smart. The real smart people want nothing to do with the power games this sort plays.
