

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Eric W. Dolan — Study finds wealth gives rise to a sense of entitlement and narcissistic behaviors

Climbing the economic ladder can influence basic psychological processes within an individual.
According to a new study published in Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin this month, wealth tends to increase a person’s sense of entitlement, which in turn can lead to narcissistic behaviors.
Paul Piff of the University of California at Berkeley told PsyPost “there is something about wealth that gives rise to a sense of entitlement, a sense that one deserves more good things in life than others, which in turn gives rise to an increased or inflated sense of self-importance, vanity, grandiosity, and omnipotence (narcissism).”
“Narcissism is a multi-faceted and complex construct, but that wealth is specifically associated with it suggests that as a person’s level of privilege rises, that person becomes increasingly self-focused – in a sense, becoming the center of their own world and worldview,” he explained.
“The studies in the paper measure narcissism in a whole host of ways, including measuring how likely someone is to stare at their reflection in a mirror (wealthier people do that more often). Even students who come from wealth, but have done little to create their own wealth (yet), report more entitlement. This suggests that wealth shapes an ideology of self-interest and entitlement that’s transferred culturally from one generation to the next.”
The Raw Story
Study finds wealth gives rise to a sense of entitlement and narcissistic behaviors
Eric W. Dolan

What was that about it being more difficult for a rich person......?

1 comment:

  1. There is a whole swath of American society that feels entitled and many of them are not wealthy. However, it's not PC to talk about them so let's confine the discussion to the wealthy, shall we?
