

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Gennaro Zezza — Flow of funds at the ECB

This article, “Flow-of-funds analysis at the ECB”, provides an excellent technical description of the European system for flow-of-fund statistics, and some good examples of how they are used at the ECB.
I would recommend it for anyone interesed in anyone doing SFC empirical modeling. It is a pity that the authors have not discovered yet the work of Godley and the book Monetary economics, which is well known at the Bank of England

Links to two papers you may wish to download.

Flow of funds at the ECB
Gennaro Zezza | Associate Professor in Economics at the Department of Economics of the University of Cassino, Italy, and a Research Scholar at the Levy Institute of Economics


  1. "It is a pity that the authors have not discovered yet the work of Godley and the book Monetary economics"

    What makes you think Gennaro Zezza is not familiar with Wynne Godley!?

  2. What makes you think Gennaro Zezza is not familiar with Wynne Godley!?

    That sentence is a quote by Gennaro Zezza about the authors of the ECB report.
