

Sunday, September 22, 2013


Commentary by Roger Erickson

Why not? It's now a policy choice, not an organizational limit. This review of past "system explosions" offers some tantalizing factors to think about.

Are we talking about a whole different scale of factors and options now? Of course. Any reason yet another "system explosion" can't occur? Let's find out! Should be fun.

Make insanely interesting fun, not political stupidity? Personally, I'm all for it!

Politics as we're seeing it is not just incredibly stupid, it's incredibly base and boring. Don't these idiots know that people are losing interest, by the day?

Why, new generations are evolving virtual-vertebrae, in social dimensions that Luddites can't even comprehend, let alone oppose, being spineless in that regard, as well as clueless.

As a meme, a #Human_Cultural_Explosion is not just an MMT promise. :)

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