

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

NYC mayoral candidate Bill DeBlasio: the final test as to whether or not true progressives really exist

Bill DeBlasio is the front runner (by far) in the NYC mayoral election. He is known as a staunch progressive, however, that is what was said about Barak Obama and we all know how that turned out.

For me, this is the final litmus test as to whether or not true progressive candidates leaders really exist at all. Sure, they exist in campaigns, but once in office it becomes, back to the status quo and screw everyone, with the exception of the rich and powerful.

I am hoping DeBlasio (who is a lock to win) finally causes this not to be the case, however, the fact that he has been endorsed by teh Clintons (Bill and Hilary) and Obama himself, is an ominous sign.


  1. At this point I assume any politician who espouses anything other than neo-liberal bullshit is lying for votes and will turn on their constituents the moment they are elected.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I take interest in the NYC Mayoral race as an ex-New Yorker who left the city and the state in part owing to the high tax burden. My understanding is that Bill DeBlasio advocates raising taxes. Is this true?

  4. Raising taxes on the wealthy, to fund education programs, etc. I suppor this, but it remains to be seen if he will do either.

  5. "At this point I assume any politician who espouses anything other than neo-liberal bullshit is lying for votes and will turn on their constituents the moment they are elected."

    I'm inclined to agree with you Ben.

  6. The Clinton's & Obama gave an endorsement after he won, and see the writing on the wall. So DeBlasio may be more Progressive then they like. DeBlasio may raise city taxes on the wealthy, but they will likely get it back via Cuomo.
