

Monday, September 30, 2013

Ryan Grim and Sabrina Siddiqui — GOP Lawmakers: House Could End Standoff With Up-Or-Down Vote On Clean Bill

On Twitter, the Senate floor and in repeated interviews on Capitol Hill and on Fox News, Republicans have stressed their connection to the people and small-d democracy.
"I just think you saw members who said, 'Look, let’s just do what we all know needs to be done and frankly what the American people want to see done,'" said Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio), a conservative wing leader, after this weekend's critical House GOP meeting.
"Sometimes I go back to basic civics: We're the House of Representatives. We're the body that's supposed to be closer to the people," Jordan said. "That's why the Founders gave a chance for the people to throw us out every two years."
But there is a critical flaw in Republicans' argument that they are just carrying out the will of the people: If the House of Representatives -- the "People's House" -- was allowed by GOP leaders to work its will by casting a straight up-or-down vote on the bill passed by the Senate to avert a government shutdown, that bill would become law.
And that, more likely than not, is how this will end. The only question is when.
The Huffington Post
GOP Lawmakers: House Could End Standoff With Up-Or-Down Vote On Clean Bill
Ryan Grim and Sabrina Siddiqui

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