

Monday, October 21, 2013

Dave Jamieson — AFL-CIO To Democrats: We'll Work To End Your Career If You Cut Social Security Or Medicare

With fresh Capitol Hill budget battles on the horizon, the head of the leading labor federation planned to issue a blistering warning to unions' Democratic allies on Monday, saying the AFL-CIO would "never stop working" to end the political careers of Democrats who cut entitlement programs.
"No politician … I don’t care the political party … will get away with cutting Social Security, Medicare or Medicaid benefits. Don’t try it," AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka said, according to prepared remarks for a speech in Las Vegas, Nev.
According to the draft, which was supplied to HuffPost by the AFL-CIO, Trumka stressed his point for Democrats who may be wobbly on the issue.
"This warning goes double for Democrats," he said. "We will never forget. We will never forgive. And we will never stop working to end your career."
The Huffington Post
AFL-CIO To Democrats: We'll Work To End Your Career If You Cut Social Security Or Medicare
Dave Jamieson


  1. Great!

    But a counterattack at the government-backed counterfeiting cartel, the banking system, is also called for.

    Two can play at the "end government entitlements" game.

  2. Obamscare is a smokescreen for an immigration clampdown. It is also inherently anti-union since health benefits are easier to get.

    Obamascare is also a trap for Obama set by republicans. Somehow got rigged.

    How will the tea flip flop?

    Again Palin put a target on Giffords and then visited Israel to cover her tracks and divide reform self hating jews against right wing jews. Draping herself with zionist camoflage after the Giffords tragedy is something that needs to be addressed along with NutsAndYahoo's silent acceptance...
