

Thursday, October 31, 2013

It's Official. US Politicians Are As Dumb (Or Corrupt) As Any Worldwide. USA POTUS Begging For Foreign Fiat

   (Commentary posted by Roger Erickson.)

Either that, or they believe PT Barnum's maxim, that they can never go broke underestimating the intelligence of the US electorate. How's that make YOU feel?

Either way, there are two discussions going on here. First, there are the literal words being presented, repeated, and heard, by many distinct audiences. Second, there's the single, underlying situation that ALL audiences are part of. Let's just hold ourselves to a higher standard, ignore the semantic inanities, and focus on real, Situational Awareness, and any Desired Outcomes which the USA can get to, from here.

Barack Obama to announce aggressive strategy to attract [foreign] investment

For Pete's sake!!! What does ANY nation need foreign fiat for? Alexander Hamilton & the rest of the Founders must be spinning in their graves, wondering how we could stoop to endorsing, and topping, the very stupidity which they rebelled against! Being railroaded into using foreign fiat, as opposed to organizing their own, collective fiat.  Why? Pray tell? What's the consensus, Desired Outcome? What makes Obama's preferred path more attractive than the other ones? Are there any attractions which are more equal (to him) than outcomes that seem attractive to the rest of us? What about any remaining attraction to what's left of a resilient Middle Class in the USA?

Faced with this level of imbecility - or fraud - it really would be far smarter for every community to just organize their own, Public Bank - IF this current electorate could keep the Control Frauds from owning all Public Banks too, within 5 years. Yet if we could do that, why not just have a citizens revolt, and take back control of our own, national public bank? Make the Fed a Public Fed? We couldn't possibly do any worse than the existing pit of Control Fraud vipers that rules the Fed for the gain of orthodox economists, not the nation.

Hell, while we're at it, why not have democracy seize control of all lobbying organizations, and their little Treasury and Congress too? Who OWNS this supposed democracy, anyway? Whomever is willing to act like owners? Non-gangsters can act like owners too you know, in theory, if there's any domestic fiat left, that is, distributed throughout our former Middle Class. Anyone else willing to step up and voluntarily alter their acting career? New roles beckon in an ongoing, epic feature reality play. The outcome depends entirely on the efforts of the current cast of characters.

We need to have an honest discussion about methods for achieving that conensus, Desired Outcome. NOT a discussion that keeps us conquered, divided, confused and distracted from even acknowledging the consensus Desired Outcome that we used to accept.

Meanwhile, is this ongoing move by mega-merchants a formal coup by the wealthy 1% everywhere, to rule the 99% everywhere? Or are they just dumber'n a sack of hammers? It's not just a class war going on. Shipping and finance merchants are also perverting our entire government to wage guild-war against all manufacturers AND labor. And they are winning, so far. Free trade just means that mega-merchants are in control of tax and trade policy, and now fiscal policy as well.

What are we? Citizen owners of our own democracy, or just mega-merchant-fodder? Better answer that quick, or else the mega-merchants will run off with the royal-we response, supposedly on our behalf. (Did you notice that there's a 99% discount sale on democracy going on? Beneath our feet?)

This makes no sense, and is just another, unbalanced descent into yet another version of Central Planning by a cabal too small to wield the full-group intelligence we need just in order to survive. It's the parasites "winning" by killing their host. Once again, like in 1933, we need to save these idiots from themselves, as part of saving ourselves.

The merchant lobby logic is also inconsistent. MICC & other Corporate Welfare operates by fiat currency logic, while we're told that gold-std logic applies to the serfs. 

Huh? When do double-standards EVER scale efficiently? When wielded by supposedly genius-level Central Planners? In their dreams, and in our nightmares, that's when.

And we're also instructed to not ask questions? WTF is going on?

Why aren't more citizens asking WTF is going on?

ps: Forget 666. We're dealing with 444 - Foreign Fiat For. It's officially dumber than Cain's "999" formula, and more evil to boot.


  1. I believe P.T. Barnum said that “Nobody ever lost a dollar by underestimating the taste of the American public.”
    ― P.T. Barnum

    Taste and intelligence are no highly correlated, but not identical. I know indisputably intelligent people who manifest indisputably bad taste.

    P.S. Public Banks-YEAH!!!

  2. While the Prez is actively engaged in the TPP and EU FTA to accomplish the opposite?

  3. Well fdi doesn't necessarily mean immediately accumulating foreign fiat, does it? Existing foreign held dollars could come back, first.

    People don't get it. They think getting other country's currency is a good thing. Even someone like Dean Baker thinks we should export away and accumulate foreign funds. He thinks we could get a higher real rate of return... I'm highly skeptical of that.

  4. I rest my case

    Barack Obama unveils plans to attract foreign investment

    "Barack Obama vowed to become more personally involved in attracting FOREIGN CASH to the US, as he proposed new steps to make America's federal government more receptive to inward investment."


    What the hell is the average Person of Walmart going to think after hearing this message repeated ad nauseam?

  5. We're back to rich people in USA selling Middle Class America to rich people in other countries?

    Who says human trafficking doesn't exist in the USA.

  6. There is a cascade of discussion point following this general type of article.

    "Foreign investment was once taken for granted as the result of the US’s status as the world’s biggest economy but there is growing global competition to attract investors."

    Beside the point?

    The ONLY reason that the US Economy isn't REMAINING the largest world economy is precisely because we are ceding the public initiative lead we once held?

    The ONLY place we're even trying to keep exerting that initiative lead is through the DoD and now the NSA. Such national initiative would be far better invested elsewhere? Or at least in many MORE parts of our economy?

    We do not NEED - EVER - significant foreign fiat - other than the traditional immigration of motivated people themselves. Every nation's initiative is best used at home, improving their own Adaptive Rate. Anything less is illogical.

    That's my point, and I'm sticking to it.

  7. I really like and agree with this statement from an off-line reader, and have an natural, follow-on response.

    "i find a level of error in all newspaper posts - mostly caused by:

    * attention spans - you only have so many words before a reader bails on you - so you have to limit detail.
    * most publications must write at 5th / 6th grade level; simple concepts for simple people
    * the author doesn't get it.
    * political agenda of author or editor"

    Exactly. Can't disagree. However, the same level of error starts with every policy when it is first developed.

    That's of paramount importance. Because that reality applies MOST OF ALL to the original policy premise, behind every field of endeavor, and for every situation a group, industry or culture finds itself considering.

    If a rational ASSESSMENT METHOD is not applied at the policy initiation step, then it's a waste of all resources to randomly apply it at some or all SUBSEQUENT steps.

    If we as a nation are going to think and use logic at all, we have to apply it everywhere ... or not bother.

    If adequate assessment methods aren't applied at the get-go, entire nations can be diverted into dead-end endeavors, for decades, before the original premise is even reviewed, let alone adequately assessed.

    That is NOT a safe way to proceed. It's just playing Russian Roulette.

    Shoot, aim, ready?
    anybody ready?
    Where's our nation go? Hello?

  8. The reason that American companies are investing abroad rather than in the US and foreign companies are not investing in the US is that the ROI favors emerging countries and not developed countries. Capital flows to the highest risk-weighted return. That's one of the foundations of neoliberal capitalism that operates based on "free markets, free trade, and free capital flow," but not free labor flow.

    By pushing neoliberal capitalism through his "free trade" agreements, the president is pushing FDI away from the US and toward the emerging world where labor is cheap and there are not labor laws or regulations. This make the US the global market and not the global producer.
