

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Mark Thoma — Democrats Will Have to Swallow Entitlement Cuts?

I honestly can't remember if I voted for Obama or Hillary in the primary, but if I voted for Obama, it was a mistake.
Economist's View
Democrats Will Have to Swallow Entitlement Cuts?
Mark Thoma | Professor of Economics, University of Oregon

Get ready for the sh*t storm. Any Democrat who votes for this will face a primary challenge from the new wave, and this issue will be chief focus of the presidential campaign in 2016. 

Democrats must realize that this is a GOP trap that Ryan is setting for them. Voting for entitlements cuts as a Democratic proposal in exchange for anything just hands the GOP a club to beat the Democrats with.

Social Security and Medicare still constitute the third rail of American politics. It's the GOP that wants to cut them while making the Democrats grab the third rail with both hands while standing in a puddle. What's not to like about that for the GOP and what's to like about it for the Democrats, other than to fund Obama's library and lucrative speaking tours upon his retirement, leaving the rest of the party holding the bag. Craven. And who does Gene Sperling represent and really work for? Wall Street, of course.


  1. Where's the Progressive counterattack on welfare for the rich, the government-backed credit cartel?

    And isn't it more than likely that welfare for the rich has led to the need for welfare for everyone else?

  2. Only when they pull Democracy from the fingers of the cold, hard corpse of the US Middle Class.

    NDA - national democracy association

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.
