

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

The Age-Old "Massively Parallel" Design Advantage For All - SELECTED - Task Subsets

Commentary by Roger Erickson

That is, the same, evolutionary reason that nervous systems ended up with massively parallel CNS network designs, notwithstanding the occasional demand for insane signal propagation speeds in things like, e.g., the extremely long, giant squid motor neuron axons.

Computer Chip Design Wars

By the same logic, shouldn't our national policy apparatus be going for deliberate, Distributed Planning? Rather than the supposedly faster benefits of Central Planning?

National Policy Design-Wars?  Isn't that what's always going on? Yet have you EVER met a national policy advisor, Congressperson or Federal Agency Head that you could even HAVE this present discussion with? Not since Rexford Tugwell or Marriner Eccles in 1933? They were both, figuratively, born in a barn. Maybe we should all be.

It's Ye Olde Question of which method comes out better in the long run.

If we were just interested in doing EVERYTHING we know how to do right now, and doing everything faster, then yes, Central Planning by dictators - or a Communist Central Party, or a 0.1% financial aristocracy which owns all our Congresspeople - would work.

However, our reality is that our emerging goals - what few, new things we next have to selectively FOCUS on doing well - always matters far more. What part of ongoing natural selection don't the 0.1%, naked-emperor, currency-hoarding Central Planners understand?

Massively parallel feedback assessment drives Natural Selection better than any other known design? Same as in cultural-market-systems as it does in central-nervous-systems? Democracy works?

Ya think?

Right now, achieving an electorate where everybody was, literally, born in a barn, sure is looking like it would be an improvement. Instead of becoming MORE massively parallel in our selective feedback and distributed natural selections, we've become massively isolated. Worse, population growth and increasingly narrow training is accelerating distributed isolation faster than collective efforts to re-connect our electorate.

Good luck with that.

If we don't select which FEW things make the MOST difference in return for the least effort ... everything else we race around distracting ourselves with won't amount to a hill of beans?

Ya think?


  1. So you agree that the Fed and other privileges for the banks should be abolished and private currencies for private debts only encouraged? And fiat limited to legal tender for government debts only?

  2. The opposite, in fact.

    It's the guaranteed convertibility of every credit to be denominated in a public record "viable for all forms of payment" that provides the social agility we need.

  3. And you call that massively parallel? I call it a single failure point.

    Besides, fiat has an enormous natural advantage anyway. It would take gross mismanagement of it to cause much interest in private currencies. But even that fail-safe is not to be allowed?

    And so the boring (but deadly) battle over who get's to control a government-enforced monopoly money supply for ALL debts continues pointlessly despite being made obsolete by Mathew 22:16-22 about 2000 years ago.
