

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Tyler Durden — Millennials Devastated As American Dream Becomes Nightmare For Most

We love poking fun at Zero Hedge, but ZH gets this one right. Pretty shocking to read and pretty desperate if one is young and behind the eight ball.

Zero Hedge

Millennials Devastated As American Dream Becomes Nightmare For Most
Tyler Durden


  1. even a broken clock is right twice a day....

  2. The comments to the article are pretty good too and it's not just about Millennials because Baby Boomers have some tough sledding ahead as well. This comment struck a responsive chord with me....

    "401K: Cancelled. Retirement: Cancelled; we're going to work until we're dead.

    More like work yourself to death.... assuming of course you are fortunate enough to still be employed.

    "At this point, I sincerely hope that generational genocide isn't in the cards, but, speaking as somebody in the generational trenches, wouldn't this be the easiest solution?"

  3. "even a broken clock is right twice a day…."


    even a broken clock has the right time twice a day. :-)

  4. Ugh this is scary stuff. Makes Pete Peterson's intergenerational war effort all the more appealing to young people.
