

Monday, December 30, 2013

Its STILL 'The Economy'... stupid!

Saw this chart from Turd Way, er... I mean Third Way which shows how the topic of "The Economy" is STILL the #1 issue with U.S. voters today and over the years:

Its a clean sweep at #1 issue.

And this is interesting that this issue has remained of the most importance throughout what imo were at least generally perceived as "good times and bad", this chart goes back to 2004.

"The Economy" is manifestly the long term #1 issue with voters and somehow Ducks Dynasty becomes the #1 cable show and nobody wants to watch the cable shows that focus on "The Economy" why is this?

Perhaps because ALL of the cable shows that focus on the economy are run by crews that don't even know what the heck is even going on in the economy much less how to fix it, or even who the people are who have knowledge of actual solutions who they can invite on as guests.

So all we are left with is un-watchable moron fests on Fox/FoxBus/CNBC/MSNBC/Bloomberg, etc...and the US viewing public is more content to watch the Ducks Dynasty people do mundane personal things as they go about their days on the cable.

Pretty sad. But I don't blame the US people, they manifestly know what the most important issue is.

I blame the pathetic current crop of network people who obviously don't know how to "give the people what they want" to focus on.

And their ratings continue to circle the toilet bowl.


  1. I'm also glad to see the brainless Sunday morning Moron-fests are also circling the drain, ratings wise. I've heard rumors that the awful David Gregory may get canned from Meet the Press.

    Thankfully, there is Chris Hayes on MSNBC. I think he is 90% on board with MMT, thanks to Dr. Kelton's couple of visits on his show. Although he has not come right out and done a whole segment on MMT, I think he could be convinced!

  2. But Justin talk to Mike Hayes is like the 'talent' and there are other producer type people in the background who tell people like Hayes what to do...

    so perhaps Hayes gets it, but he is more or less a peon the real morons are at the production level so they are the people who need the ax...

    justin, can you send me your email if you care to?

    franko dot matthew at gmail dot com....


  3. Thankfully, there is Chris Hayes on MSNBC. I think he is 90% on board with MMT, thanks to Dr. Kelton's couple of visits on his show. Although he has not come right out and done a whole segment on MMT, I think he could be convinced!

    Hayes began following MMT some time ago, prior to his involvement with MSNBC, IIRC. As he became more convinced, he invited Stephanie on later.

  4. Interesting that the budget deficit moved up to #3 in 13.

  5. Right Tom I saw that too... imo that is a DIRECT RESULT of Petersons's $1B he put in 3 years ago to support the dispensation of falsehoods concerning debt and deficits... direct result... this is "what he hath reaped" with his $1B (so far!)

    I say we need $200M to counter and to get this thing turned around quickly.

    Maybe less but it will take longer for sure...


  6. Tom- did Chris Hayes catch on to MMT while he was still at The Nation, or sometime in between that and MSNBC? I see him as one of the few prime time TV hosts who has both the moral decency and intellectual capacity to understand and use MMT effectively...and I happen to like his show a lot.

  7. Chris Hayes would certainly known of Bill Mitchell's article, Beyond Austerity, published in The Nation in April, 2011, and he may have been involved in getting it there.

  8. Justin,

    You might have Hayes there but everyone else there dont even know what is going on...

    So Hayes has his show which imo is NOT focused on the economy I dont watch it but dont tell me this week he is all about the Ducks Dynasty bruhahah or the Trayvon Martin nativity scene "controversy", or the "privacy" issue .... ALL A WASTE OF TIME... and the people know this look where those issues show up in these lists: way down...

    Morning Joe show is LITERALLY a continuous parade of deficit/debt morons from DC; one day Rattner, next day Walker, next day MacGuineas, next day Ryan, Judd Gregg, it goes ON AND ON...

    Then in the same ownership/management you have the CNBC parade starring the same idiots from NJ/NY...

    So the problem is up the chain from Hayes imo.... he has to hope for a MAJOR management replacement at COMCAST/NBC and some freedom to go heavy on the 'economics' which I personally dont think he even would do if he could...

    IMO he cuts off Kelton every time she is on, doesnt let her talk, HE talks more than HER.... or he puts Joe Weisenthal on with her and Joe's knowledge on this is tepid at best and he makes a bad complement...

    So on the coin issue he had Phil Deihl (former mint director) scheduled to go on with Kelton (monetary academic PhD) so what does he do? He BUMPS Deihl for who: Joe Weisenthal????

    So somebody please explain to me how this decision gets made???

    "ok, on 'the coin' we have the former director of the US mint scheduled... or Joe Weisenthal who doenst even know what is going on with it..."

    "I got it lets go with Weisenthal!"



  9. LOL. Chris Hayes is like a tree falling in Siberia. Virtually no one hears him/it.
