

Friday, December 27, 2013

Lord Keynes — Post Keynesian Economics 101

The following is an index to my posts on Post Keynesian economics, and is divided into thirty-one topic headings.
Social Democracy For The 21St Century: A Post Keynesian Perspective
Lord Keynes


  1. Tom,

    Any Post-Keynesian writing arguing cryptocurrencies are scam?

  2. ie to me it looks like a gigantic scam - a bit like companies in the stock exchanges who have no office or anything. The initial IPO money goes to the owner.

  3. The initial IPO money goes to the owner

    It's similar to a multilevel marketing (MLM) distribution network. Those that get in at the start of the chain make out like bandits, which is probably an apt analogy.

  4. Thanks Tom,

    Yes that analogy is also good but in those Multilevel marketing firms, the firms do produce something - in this case nothing.

    More like some companies trading in stock markets with no income and no office (happens in India!) except in this case in unregulated markets instead of in exchanges.

    Trying to write something along those line. Yes agree with Tymoigne that the value is zero.
