

Saturday, December 28, 2013

Salon: Paul Ryan lectures the pope

More on this emerging confused economic back and forth between nominal Christians who exhibit strongly neo-liberal characteristics and the newly installed Pope Francis who continues to observe and report on a failing ersatz "capitalism" for what he sees is this type of system's shortcomings as a system capable of delivering economic justice.  From Salon here.

Here is a revealing line from Ryan:
“What I love about the pope is he is triggering the exact kind of dialogue we ought to be having,” Ryan told the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel. “People need to get involved in their communities to make a difference, to fix problems soul to soul.”
"The exact kind of dialogue we ought to be having" is between the blind guides on both sides of this issue who don't even know what the heck is even going on?  Bibel-babbling back and forth?  Conflating the superior authority of government with that of a subject household?

What the hell is this idiot even talking about with this pagan sounding "soul to soul" here?  Don't tell me, more "charity" or something?

Well, I guess if your goal is to never get anywhere towards justice, and/or to seek to justify yourself through works of the flesh, a time-wasting, never ending human "dialogue" or "reasonings" while we never get to an actual revelation of truth would sound like a good idea.

Memo to Ryan (and the Pope):  Our 'souls' have no authority to fix ANY of these economic problems; any such authority is in our institution of civil government.  And for Ryan an institution which your stupid and blind self continues to pollute in your present condition.
"he who is resisting an authority has withstood God's mandate."   Romans 13:2
Not the best position in which to be standing Ryan; or any in the rest of Christendom for that matter.


  1. Thanks Matt. Insightful comments (yours, that is). BTW, I did respond to your question regarding Kalecki and profits. It's the last entry to the blog where you asked the question -
    Dec. 23 - the Shiff-Stossel headline. Thanks.

  2. Huge concession for Ryan to admit that there's even room for debate. This is a game changer if it means that solutions other than the neoliberal TINA are on the table for discussion.

  3. Your right Tom this is a bit of a concession from Ryan here... I dont see he/gop having much choice... the Dems/Pope have/own the 'economic justice' messaging correct in a time of tremendous economic injustice and the gop is going to have to basically conduct another civil (cold) war in order to settle this score again...

    This looks like a "stall tactic" to me from Ryan here Tom until the Frank Luntz focus group results tell the GOP how to spin all of this to their potential advantage...

    Looks like it may be the beginning of some sort of a "max soup kitchen" type of policy from the gop... NO THANKS RYAN! wont work ultimately...


  4. Charles let me take a look... btw I did not mean to say "cannot you..." over there I was on a tablet and it has this irritating 'auto fill' type thing and what I really meant to say was "can you...." but it auto filled "cannot you..." or something so sorry that didnt come out correctly for me...

    so let me take a look at your comment over there.. rsp,

  5. This is related to wanting to replace the welfare state with local charities. Naturally, these charities will be religiously affiliated.
