

Friday, December 20, 2013

Yves Smith — Yes Virginia, Obama and the Democrats Are Mussolini-Style Corporatists, Just Like the Republicans

Doh. Anyone didn't get that? Oh, right, the Obama bots and the Third Way/Clinton fans.

Oh, well, at least it is bipartisan.

Naked Capitalism
Yes Virginia, Obama and the Democrats Are Mussolini-Style Corporatists, Just Like the Republicans
Yves Smith


  1. Terrific article Tom! Thanx for posting. The last sentence kind of encapsulates the political and economic challenge that lies ahead for US voters.

    "Unfortunately, given that both parties benefit from using the power and the resources of the state to enrich their patrons, it’s going to take a lot more pressure than we see now from ordinary citizens to shake up this cozy duopoly."

  2. Clones versus droids

    apples versus googles

  3. Yves nails it, and she has a big readership. She is also open about being a big supporter of Occupy.
