

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

James Steele: "Absurd, insane deficit obsession" making U.S. income inequality worse"

Steele says, "You don't just need a short-term stimulus now. We need a program planned out over a period of time, not just roads and highways but money pumped into technology, science ... that will be a positive for years to come. Nobody is even thinking about that now unfortunately."

A voice in the wilderness....although I have no idea if Jim Steele is "in paradigm" or not. Frankly I was just surprised to see Yahoo Finance posting any sort of counter narrative. 


  1. I was surprised to see Yahoo posting it, too, because it's usually very dismissive of these points of view.

    Anyway, Steele's comments sound almost exactly like the comments the comments and proposals I have been making here. I think he's reading this blog, in fact, his name sounds very familiar.

  2. I think there is hope, and in the end we are going to turn this incompetence around by appealing to US nationalism. Ultimately, I just have to believe that Americans are too proud a people to stand by and allow their country to sink into the kind of persistent decline and third world social dysfunction that is being either permitted or engineered by the current crew in Washington.

    Eventually they will demand bold government action, once the stench from the rot grows too powerful to stand.
