

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Paul Jay interviews Gar Alperovitz — Capitalism in Long Term Stagnation and Decay

Video and transcript.
...if you concentrate wealth at the top, there's not enough purchasing power to make the rest of the system work.
Real News Network
Capitalism in Long Term Stagnation and Decay - Gar Alperovitz on Reality Asserts Itself (3/5)
Paul Jay interviews Gar Alperovitz

1 comment:

  1. hoarding :

    1. at the upper crest in the 1%

    2. OPEC hoarding USD

    3. China hoarding USD

    4. The Treasury and federal reserve not stimulating the real economy

    5. gold bug austerity

    All drains on the economy
    liquidity held in chains of ice
