

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Jed Lewison — Poll: Republicans don't want Christie to run in 2016

Paul Ryan doesn't make the cut. Rand Paul, Marco Rubio, Jeb Bush and Ted Cruz are in the lead. I would say that if Jeb Bush wants it, the money will be behind him. This would like be a Bush-Clinton race as things now stand.

Daily Kos
Poll: Republicans don't want Christie to run in 2016
Jed Lewison


  1. More predictions for Alexander de Toqueville ... the aristocracy is complete with Bush & Clinton houses of royalty along with the banking barons who reign in the sovereignty of the U $ D and the lawyer dukes who ensure no direct representation.

  2. Chris Christie: The People's Choice

  3. two reasons:

    1) he might have a heart attack if he runs more than 2 feet?

    2) might be terminal for the GOP too if he runs
