

Monday, March 31, 2014

Zachary Keck — Why Did BRICS Back Russia on Crimea?

The BRICS’s support for Russia shows the Western-dominated post-Cold War order is eroding....
The BRICS and other non-Western powers’ support for Russia also suggests that forging anything like an international order will be extremely difficult, given the lack of shared principles to act as a foundation. Although the West generally celebrated the fact that the UN General Assembly approved the resolution condemning the Crimea referendum, the fact that 69 countries either abstained or voted against it should be a wake-up call. It increasingly appears that the Western dominated post-Cold War era is over. But as of yet, no new order exists to replace it.
The Diplomat


  1. The BRICS and other non-Western powers’ support for Russia also suggests that forging anything like an international order will be extremely difficult, given the lack of shared principles to act as a foundation.

    I don't think this is necessarily true. The Crimea events just show that many Washington and neoconservative foreign policy ambitions and interests are not among the shared principles of of the international community. But if disputes arise that call into question genuinely shared principles, cooperation will be possible.

    These events also show that the people of the world were not born yesterday. Washington's idea that it can instigate a destabilizing revolution in a place like Ukraine in pursuit of US interests, and then cry "territorial integrity!" when Russians act to defend their own interests in response isn't going to fly with an increasingly well-informed and canny global community.

  2. Ah good! I agree with you here. I was beginning to worry. (c:
