

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Jonathan Larson — Capital in the 21st century

Jonathan Larson on Piketty as the new Marx.
...Piketty is attempting to be the new Marx. And like Marx, he is a technological illiterate.
real economics
Capital in the 21st century
Jonathan Larson

Update: This link no longer works and the post does not show up elsewhere in his site. Apparently it was taken down.


  1. Another slapdash piece.

  2. The link does not work for me; I could not find the article on the site.

  3. Gotta go to google cache to get it now. Maybe Larson wisely thought better of it.

    As for the content, just why are Piketty & Marx technological illiterates? A throwaway accusation of the kind that usually tells more about those who make them than the recipient.

    From article:
    So while rising wage inequality is obviously a problem, this is merely a symptom of the big disease, de-industrialization. No, in essence rising wage inequality, enforced by the state's insane spending decisions, culminating in the depravity of not having a decent living wage JG, are the disease. Everything else is a symptom, and Larson thus reverses cause and effect worse than Piketty.

    And giving the wage-slaves a raise, while laudable, will not by itself solve the big problems of climate change and other manifestation of environmental collapse. Yes it will. People made to scrabble for daily existence for no purpose but the delight of an elite are unable to express their more rational views over the elite's other insane views and behaviors. There have been polls about such matters linked to here at MNE. Piketty ain't the second coming, but he is a soldier who's pointing his gun in roughly the right direction.

    On the other hand, Larson's Eurotrib essay he mentions is worth reading.

  4. "And giving the wage-slaves a raise, while laudable, will not by itself solve the big problems of climate change and other manifestation of environmental collapse"

    I love it when the critics say shit like this.

    So..... its laudable...... as in a good idea......but BY ITSELF won't solve the big problems. Uhhhhhh.... is anyone suggesting that a minimum wage increase or general wage increases BY THEMSELVES are all we need to do???!!! I don't think so. But wages must rise in order for inequality to reverse so until someone just steps in and .......raises wages .... it won't happen....not by itself. It hasn't happened in the 6 years since the collapse so why do the "wage slaves" have to wait longer?

    Its like unless you come up with the magic bullet that will seemingly solve all the problems, we wont take you seriously. Thats why we have done nothing in 6 years because no one has found the magic bullet.

  5. Its like unless you come up with the magic bullet that will seemingly solve all the problems, we wont take you seriously. Thats why we have done nothing in 6 years because no one has found the magic bullet

    "We've tried nothin' and we're all out of ideas."
