

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Peter Radford — Moving On

We now live, whether we have grasped that fact or not, in a post-Piketty era....
Something has changed....
Post-Piketty we can now contemplate upheaval on the basis of fact rather than pure emotion or observation of the obvious.
When I helped Edward, Norbert, and Grazia form the World Economic Association it was because I imagined a moment like this would arise. There is now more momentum behind change, and we have the vehicle – one of many to be sure – to help facilitate that change. We have journals that could be dedicated to such things. We have conferences that could feature such things. And we have access to thousands of people who can advocate such things. We can, therefore, help establish an economic democracy.
First we need to communicate with our neighbors.
This starts at the bottom, because, as Gilens and Page point out, the top isn’t listening.
 The Radford Free Press
Moving On
Peter Radford

Peter Radford refers to Irving Fisher's address on inequality.


  1. The thing that seems to have changed, and I admit that the forces behind it are a total mystery to me, is that the centrist mainstream is suddenly willing to talk about a bunch of issues that even a year ago were taboo for them, and the preserve of only people they derided as far left cranks. And it turns out they have a lot of things to say about these issues that they were apparently storing up.

    It's not just Piketty. Piketty's books is the hammer that finally broke the ice, but usually these kinds of change only happen when a lot of other stuff has weakened the ice beforehand.

  2. Piketty's book is the hammer that finally broke the ice, but usually these kinds of change only happen when a lot of other stuff has weakened the ice beforehand.

    The butterfly effect in catastrophe theory.

    Krugman is really piling in now. He has a recent blog up about the government as household analogy, too, behind the NYT paywall.

  3. I'm not seeing NEARLY as many "USA is goin' broke, how'rwee gunna pay back China" articles, editorials, etc. making the newsfeeds as of late.

    Seems like the neocons are starting to run out of cons.
