

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Rodger Malcolm Mitchell — How Monetary Sovereignty differs from Modern Monetary Theory -- simplified

The more important difference between MS and MMT is the handling of inflation. MS suggests increasing interest rates when inflation threatens. MMT holds that increasing interest rates exacerbates inflation by increasing costs, and that the correct prevention/cure for inflation is to reduce federal deficits, with higher taxes and/or with reduced federal spending.
How Monetary Sovereignty differs from Modern Monetary Theory -- simplified
Rodger Malcolm Mitchell

1 comment:

  1. worst possible thing for budding social movement teams to do?

    Divide & conquer yourself ... without waiting for divide & conquer strategies from orthodox opponents.

    It's called policy & political suicide.

    Audiences ignore teams that argue in public, and turn on one another.

    First rule of social species .... "Support your collaborators in public (and argue strategy details in private)"
