

Sunday, July 20, 2014

RT — Australian PM hints Putin may dropped from G20 summit over MH17 crash

The push is on to isolate and marginalize Vladimir Putin in order to effect regime change in Russia to a pro-Western regime.

Bad strategy. This puts the Global South on notice that it has no choice but to cooperate in organizing against the Global North and continued dominance of neoliberalism, neoconservatism, neo-imperialism, and neocolonialism. 

Demographically, the Global North cannot win this in the long run. Worse, it pits Caucasians against the rest of the races. Talk about a recipe for disaster.

Australian PM hints Putin may dropped from G20 summit over MH17 crash


  1. Looks like they are kicking him out of the club or at least severely chastening him over this Tom... its a big screw up... rsp

  2. This could be the most irresponsible strategy ever. As noted in another post, Russia is far too powerful to mess with like this.
