

Thursday, July 17, 2014

"You f***ing Americans! Who are you to tell us, the rest of the world, that we're not [allowed to use as much of your currency as we want, whenever we want to]?" :)

   (Commentary posted by Roger Erickson*)

Coming from a British banker, that is drop-dead hilarious. Maybe he was fondly recalling the East India Company scrip? Or some of the UK-imposed Ghana colonial currencies. Or the infamous Hut Tax? At least one country has come a long way since then.

Yes, intelligent policy works, if simply used with agility. Meanwhile, however, elsewhere around the world:
"... leaders of the BRICS - China, India, Russia, Brazil and South Africa - will launch a development bank to be a symbol of their ambitions for global influence. The currency in which they have chosen to denominate its share capital is a familiar one, however - the U.S. dollar."
Ok then! Conclusion? Who says the finance industry is more trouble than it's worth? Without 'em, what would cynics & comedians (and counter-revolutionary counter-revolutionaries) use as fodder? :)

Wasn't it supposed to be our currency, and THEIR problem?

* This post is dedicated to Ramanan, who steadfastly believes that his home country can't control it's own policy until the USA reforms $US currency & fiscal policy. Whatever!