

Friday, August 1, 2014

David Dayen — GOP hypocrites neglect poor — while drafting secret pro-military loophole

No surprise here.
With one relatively insignificant clause buried on Page 364 of a massive budget bill thatwill get voted on today, Congress told us everything we need to know about federal spending priorities, the empty rhetoric of “budget discipline” and the power of the military-industrial complex. We learned that Congress can’t fund anything — like food stamps or unemployment insurance — without a spending cut to offset it … unless the item in question has something to do with the military.
GOP hypocrites neglect poor — while drafting secret pro-military loopholeDavid Dayen

1 comment:

  1. "No surprise here."

    Indeed here is a society that has long ago lost track of its eusocial nature such that it has abandoned faith in the idea that we should nourish others as others nourish us. It does so at its peril since historical experience tells us this leads to the beneficially unpredictable outcome of bloody revolution.
