

Thursday, October 23, 2014

John J. Mearsheimer — The US Caused the Ukrainian Crisis by Pushing NATO and the EU to Russia's Borders

Foreign Affairs is published by the Council on Foreign Relations.
In this, the third of the three pieces published by Foreign Affairs, Professor John Mearsheimer responds to the criticisms by former US Ambassadors Michael J. McFaul and Stephen Sestanovich of his original article in Foreign Affairs, which criticised US foreign policy towards Russia from a “realist” position. You can find Professor Mearsheimer’s original article here and those of McFaul and Sestanovichhere and here.
Russia Insider
The US Caused the Ukrainian Crisis by Pushing NATO and the EU to Russia's Borders
John J. Mearsheimer | Professor of Political Science, University of Chicago


  1. try this for a full-bodied critique of the Response and Counter-response:

  2. Thanks for your contribution. Here is a clickable link.

    Foreign Affairs magazine, November-December 2014: the Mearsheimer Debate

    Here is Dr. Doctorow's bio from The Nation:

    Gilbert Doctorow is a professional Russia watcher going back to 1965. For twenty-five years he worked for US and European multinationals in marketing and general management with regional responsibility. In the year 2000, he closed his corporate career as General Director in Russia and the CIS for a UK based multinational. Doctorow regularly publishes analytical articles about international affairs on the portal of the Belgian daily La Libre Belgique and has recently been a contributor of Op-Ed articles on US-Russian relations to the English-language Moscow Times. Mr. Doctorow is a Research Fellow of the American University in Moscow.From 1998-2002, Doctorow served as the Chairman of the Russian Booker Literary Prize.
