

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

David Edwards — Indiana Gov. Mike Pence: We’re ‘ennobling’ poor people by cutting off food stamps

This is the current GOP talking point, used by Joni Edwards in her successful bid for Tom Harkin's vacated senate seat from Iowa and Scott Walker's campaign to retain the Wisconsin governorship. 

Here it is reiterated by Indiana Gov. Mike Pence. Both Walker and Pence are likely to seek the 2016 GOP presidential nomination.

The operative words are "government dependency." Expect to hear this  a lot more.

Is "government dependency" a code word?

Raw Story
Indiana Gov. Mike Pence: We’re ‘ennobling’ poor people by cutting off food stamps
David Edwards


  1. Funny how Republicans never argue the Fed shouldn't have been involved in using large amounts of new "government" created QE money to buy up toxic mortgage bonds from Bankstas but stripping the very poor of food stamps is called "ennobling?" Sane individuals would say that such hypocrisy reveals a great many Republicans are very mentally sick puppies!

  2. There is no better motivation than starving, maybe then those slackers will get a job (or a 3rd part time job!).


  3. en·no·ble
    gerund or present participle: ennobling
    give (someone) a noble rank or title.
    synonyms: dignify, honor, exalt, elevate, raise, enhance, add dignity to, distinguish; More
    antonyms: demean
    lend greater dignity or nobility of character to.
    "the theater is a moral instrument to ennoble the mind"
    synonyms: dignify, honor, exalt, elevate, raise, enhance, add dignity to, distinguish; More

    Is that even possible in Indiana???
