

Monday, November 24, 2014

John Helmer — Circle The Russian Wagons – Belief In Patriotism, Sacrifice, And Putin Rise In Reaction To Us, Eu Sanctions, Media War

Russians digging in for the long haul?

What he doesn't mention is how long Europe can wait impatiently watching its Russian markets slipping to development in Russia and substitution from non-Western countries.

Dances with the Bears
Circle The Russian Wagons – Belief In Patriotism, Sacrifice, And Putin Rise In Reaction To Us, Eu Sanctions, Media War
John Helmer


  1. Russian "markets" have the size of Netherland's markets, they are immaterial for the West. If Netherlands had nukes and tried to steal Belgian territory to "protect the Flemish people" I wonder if we would give in, fearing a Dutch alliance with China or something. Instead of modernizing the country with oil money what Putin has to offer is a oligarchy, a joke of a civilization, a culture of theft and jingoism. Giving in to blackmail can end very bad indeed. It is best to contain them and ignore them, stand firm. Any concessions will only embolden Putin.

  2. Yep, German economy minister is the Chamberlain of today, working under pressure from industrialists. I hope he comes out of the airplane and says he brought peace, would be fun. Why not enact the whole thing?

    A modest wage increase across Europe would replace the whole Russian market. If Europeans try appeasing this Netherlands with nukes, they will pay very dearly...
