

Thursday, November 20, 2014

"Neo-con" tweets...

Interesting tweets from "Mr. Neo-con" himself William Kristol; I guess the right "neo-cons" are not "Wall Street" oriented...

Hard to understand in light of Tom's post below that has Jeb Bush the darling of Wall Street.  Tom's BI story could be a Hilary plant.

See #4 here:

And this one where Kristol has Hilary as the "Goldman Sachs" candidate:

I guess the strategy for both sides may be to "run against Wall Street"?

This is more evidence that the right at least recognizes that the left has developed a vulnerability with the socio-economic justice cohort of US voters.


  1. HRC has permission to run against Wall Street. They know it is wink, wink, and it's necessary politically to counter Warren. HRC's neoliberal and neocon credentials are solid. IN many ways, she is the ideal candidate for the center right as a counter to the extreme right, which the grownup view as a loose cannon.

    We can assume the same for a GOP candidate that WS backs. I think that Jeb is a likely choice if he decides to go for it, and I think the odds are in favor that he will, even if the family puts it at 50-50.

    But in a Clinton-Bush race, the Estabishment donations might be pretty evenly split.

  2. I don't see how any candidate at this point in America could rise to be their party's nomination without the blessing of the WS crowd.

    Warren is not likely to ever have similar support and therefore money to compete.

    HRC already has that WS blessing and Jeb Bush is no doubt seeking the same.

    HRC and Jeb Bush have been around long enough to know precisely how things work and they clearly know which side of their bread the butter is on.

    The establishment powers (WS to the neocon and MIC folks) must be quietly looking forward to a HRC-Bush election as they win regardless of the result.

  3. "Clinton-Bush"

    Has USA become a de facto aristocracy!?

  4. But Tom why would Kristol here use "Goldman Sachs" as a pejorative if the "neocons" and the "neoliberals" or whatever are tied at the hip?

    Seems like he wouldnt want to be seen doing that?

    Then he refers to HRCs "wealthy friends" which is somewhat populist?

    Unless we think Kristol's tweets here are themselves contrived and not extemporaneous? (which I doubt...)

    iow I think people usually tweet extemporaneously so Kristol is looking at "Goldman Sachs" and "the wealthy" somewhat disdainfully...

    iow Bill Black could easily have come up with the "(D, Goldman Sachs)" jab...

    So alleged "Mr. Neocon" here is manifestly demonstrating some disdain for Goldman Sachs and "the wealthy"...

    Which flies in the face of all of this "neo" conspiracy stuff imo...


  5. I think it was brilliant. The populist caricature of Goldman Sachs and a Democrat are very similar.

    Both are very elitist institutions that think they have out smarted the system, but are chronically wrong and lose from their over confidence and wrong way bets.
    Both are notoriously corrupt.
    Both serve the top .01% while claiming to help everyone
    Technically, Democrats serve professors and the .01%, so they are marginally more inclusive than the GS customers base..

  6. Matt,

    Krystol is a pathological liar. He's been playing this game for so long that he could easily shoot off a disingenuous tweet like that...using a populist jab while easily maintaining his Wall St cred.

  7. More talking points for the duping the rubes.
