

Friday, December 19, 2014

Different strokes for different folks...

"...when the taxes fell short, I gave out money from my patrimony." -  Augustus, c. 14

Now differently:

"We are looking to get the best price we can for the taxpayer," - U.S. Central Bank, c. 2011

We have to get rid of our current govt morons and back to the point where our govt people are willing to instead "take a loss for the taxpayer".


  1. Let's play a game of taxation.
    You go out and make things. I'll keep score and you can pay me for keeping score with a slice of what you produce, ok, maybe a 1/2 or 1/3? Sounds fair to me!

    Pretty soon, I decide to give a few points to banks because they made a mistake, I pay points to doctors for uneeded procedures and increase those payments 10 times faster than you increase what you produce for a few decades, give all the people at the score keepers more points too. Why not, they are just points! We're going to go off and use million point bombs to destroy guys riding around in 20k point pickups with guns, to keep everyone safe. Important stuff.

    So then I come back to you and I'm ready to have half of what you produce! Pay up, Matt! And you've just worked for a year and think that government is doing a crap job. And you tell the politician that you want lower taxes and that you think they aren't giving you good value for what you pay.

    Then this G-man comes along and says the government should actually be less careful! Spend more! That you just don't understand the rules of the game.

    But you are paying half of what you produce, you understand the rules of the game intimately, from your perspective, its all very clear who provisions the government with real goods. It is also clear who gives out points and which is a 'real' benefit and which is a 'financial' benefit. The G-man points to his bonds and says, yea, but everyone wants these things, better than gold! And the taxpayer shrugs and rolls his eyes at the G-man with the gun and turns over half of what he made during the year. He reminds the G-man that the idea is to increase the amount of real goods and services provided to tax payers from government while using less points to do it. If the government really does a good job, they can ensure that everybody is producing real goods, no one is cheating for points, and taxes are low as possible. It isn't too much to expect and no one should be chastised for expecting it.

    Points in the system aren't free they are entrusted to the leaders and leaders need to show deference and respect to the people that are producing by not wasting their labor. They should be maximizing output and leaving as much real output for private consumption as possible, so everyone benefits, not just the people connected to G-men.

  2. Well Ryan I dont think "the load" can somehow become "the source" in a "circuit" being "driven" by a "source" leading govt spending flow...

    So I dont see how we can leave "private consumption" up to "itself" with the way we are currently operating this system...

    iow people cant "barter" as with the income type tax, these barter xactions are marked to market and the net is taxed in the state currency... there are all sorts of govt "fees", etc...

    The Roman Poll Tax was not an "Income Tax" or "fee" ... so people could just barter away back then or trade or gift or whatever... with no tax liability generated...

    Your point here: "and taxes are low as possible." is a good one imo, yes I get it ... BUT... that is not what our morons are doing obviously.. they are "taxing to spend" and begrudgingly "borrowing" the difference in their deranged libertarian minds of scrambled eggs...

    So what we have to look for is if the morons are providing the system with enough leading spending flow under current taxing schemes that were created back when we were still under the metals...

    Short of re-doing the entire taxing system, this is imo "how it has to work" when we go "non-convertible" as Warren terms it or as I would term it "we are out from under the metals...."

    So if we "overpay doctors" (btw I would debate you on whether we are doing this...) or just provide xfer payments for household provision, the 'leading flow' is there and is supporting the system as currently configured (ie as if we are still being under metals) and operated (ie by morons).

    Hard to stay one step ahead of all of this chaos... ;)

  3. Ryan this part of what you write:

    "and leaving as much real output for private consumption as possible..."

    I dont think the way this is all set up and operated right now, that there would be "real output left" ie I dont know how much real output would even exist without the leading flow of govt spending provisioning the system with USD balances to be used for settlement of non-govt transactions...

    iow if you said to me "do something to help the US economy BUT you cannot change any tax law or eliminate any fee..."

    Then what I would recommend is to increase G and xfer payments in some way immediately...

    As opposed to the libertarian way of "get govt out of the way"...

    The way we have the tax and fees set up, and the relative cost of certain services we perform for each other (I'm thinking healthcare, Defense, GPS, etc..) to get "govt out of it" is suicide....

    And this is not "capitalism" either, "capitalism" is a POV Marx developed while we were still under the metals... NOT applicable to what we are currently doing (no matter how f'd up they are operating it...)

    iow it is not correct to say today "capitalism is screwed up!" as we dont have "capitalism"...


  4. And not just the taxpayers. :)

  5. Right Bill I should have said something like "the citizens" to imply all among us....

